Type: Trad, 40 ft (12 m)
FA: Phil Fowler, John Garson, 1970
Page Views: 3,200 total · 26/month
Shared By: bart cubrich 1 on Sep 19, 2014
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Aeon Aki, Mike Snyder, Taylor Spiegelberg, Jake Dickerson

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To start from the ground, do some kind of jump or lieback move to a good hand jam, then try to get into the chimney. Once you're in, you're in. This can also be started from a boulder to the right, which allows early gear placement and removes the PG-13 grade but detracts a little from the route.

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Start below the obvious chimney right of B-52 a.k.a Bombs Away and left of Deep Throat.

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This pretty much only takes #5s and #6s, unless you want place a #3 at the start and block a good handjam.


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