Type: Trad, 3 pitches, Grade II
FA: unknown
Page Views: 2,164 total · 58/month
Shared By: Ian A on Aug 8, 2021
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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Description Suggest change

P1. Head towards a small tree, passing a big tree on the left. Continue up past the tree to get to Cclass 3/4 terrain. Belay from a good ledge at the beginning of a sport route (Gluten Free) (5.4).

P2. Head up  left of Gluten Free towards an upward-pointing angle formed by two cracks - this may well be the crux of the route by can be protected. Step left around a large bulge, then continue up and to the right, above two parallel, left-slanted cracks. Do not go up the gully on the left. Pass the last bolt on Gluten Free, and head towards the bolted anchors above (5.5).

P3. Scramble up to the summit. (Class 4).

Descent: scramble down to the northwest. You can either continue scrambling to get down or rappel off a tree.

Location Suggest change

Start about 40 feet left of the standard West Face start and right of a large ramp.

Protection Suggest change

A standard rack.

