Type: Trad, 120 ft (36 m)
FA: 1985 Jim Damon and Mick Avery
Page Views: 520 total · 14/month
Shared By: akline on Aug 10, 2021
Admins: Morgan Patterson, M Santisi, chris vultaggio

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This route is the sister corner to the right of HELP!'s yellow corner. The start is the same as HELP!. Start 10' right of Badfinger's start and climb up and right towards thee base of the yellow flake under the big roof. From the stance move right and climb up the corner utilizing very cool arete holds on the right-facing corner until you get to the good horizontal under the roof. Load up some finger-sized cams and shoot up and right towards a small left-facing corner where there is more bomber gear. This gear is a little pumpy to place, as it is mid-crux, but the previous gear is just below your knees. climb strait up the face above the roof to a wide horizontal. Traverse hard left across the horizontal to the Badfinger bolted station. You can also reverse this traverse to set this up on TR with some larger cams at the end of the traverse to keep the rope above the crux roof. 

Location Suggest change

Same start as HELP!, 10' right of the start of Badfinger. 

Protection Suggest change

Protection is generally good, albeit sometimes pumpy to place, and the route is much more fun and cleaner than it looks from the ground. descent uses the bolted station for Badfinger.
