Type: Trad, 2 pitches
FA: John Stannard, Willie Crowther, 1967
Page Views: 1,612 total · 9/month
Shared By: Orphaned User on Aug 31, 2010
Admins: Morgan Patterson, M Santisi, chris vultaggio

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Description Suggest change

1. Climb into the right-facing corner. This ends in a roof. Step left to a belay stance. 40 feet, 5.11a.

2. Climb up a left-facing corner, past a small roof, then straight up to the top. This pitch is very contrived. Moving two feet or so (literally) left or right of the line described in the guide - at the overhangs - lowers the grade dramatically. As per the guide: 40 feet, 5.10c.

I've done the first pitch 3 times, and it is always a grunt.

Location Suggest change

Look for a right-facing, overhanging inside corner about 30 feet high; about 25 feet right of the overhanging inside corner broken by a hand crack, which is Criss Cross Direct.

Protection Suggest change

Standard rack

