Type: Sport, 40 ft (12 m)
FA: Dan Brockway, Bob D’Antonio, 2018
Page Views: 286 total · 18/month
Shared By: Michael Schneiter on Jun 9, 2023
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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Warning Access Issue: Limited access Oct. 15-17, 2021 DetailsDrop down

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Start up the gentle, light colored slab before gaining  the dark red and pocketed face. Some crux moves are found at the first bolt before the difficulty eases on rock that is more featured and with bigger holds.

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This is the lefthand of two bolted routes above Bob’s Cove. Above Bob’s Cove is a ledge system with a couple routes established on a red, pocketed face. If you’ve gone to Anatomy 101, you’ve gone too far by just a few yards. Gaining access to this ledge system is a bit tricky. Go past the Hueco Wall, the Thumb, and the routes in Bob’s Cove, and look for a break in the cliff just before you get to Anatomy 101. You can go through a little chimney or climb up a slabby edge of a large block leaning against the wall to scramble up to the ledge system. Once up there, it’s a comfortable hang with views of the valley below and the Sangre de Cristo Range in the distance.

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3 bolts plus an anchor with hooks.

