Type: Sport, 60 ft (18 m)
FA: Bob D'Antonio
Page Views: 967 total · 4/month
Shared By: Ron Olsen on Mar 6, 2005 · Updates
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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Description Suggest change

The route is located about 10-15 left of the Children of a Lesser Grade slab.

Boulder up to the first bolt. Make several hard moves up a thin-technical seam to a ledge. Crank up the ramp and face above to a two-bolt anchor.

There was a bolting ban in the canyon that lasted for several years that when from the start of the canyon to the Virgin Wall.

This route is not in that area. Great addition to the area.

Per Jason Young: this is a challenging route that is steep, thin, and a bit crumbly.

It is divided into three sections starting with a crack feature off of the ground that continues up to the first ledge (crux section). The crack is not used as much as one would think (I used mostly thin face holds to the left of the crack). The route continues past this ledge to a tricky bulge that is surmounted on thin holds to another ledge feature (second section) and easier climbing on the final headwall to the anchors.

It is probably worth doing if you have done most of the other routes here of this grade.

Eds. This is a combination of submissions merged onto the 1st submission page to reduce confusion and duplication.

Location Suggest change

Per Jason Young: this route is located immediately to the right of "Jack and Diane" just before the break in the cliff that is left of "Jewel of the Mild".

Protection Suggest change

Five clips will get you to a two-bolt anchor. Stick-clip or boulder up to the first bolts.

