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Elevation: 7,969 ft 2,429 m
GPS: 37.8429, -106.28469
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Shared By: Rog on Nov 6, 2001 · Updates
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

Description Suggest change

Penitente Canyon is a beautiful, small canyon on BLM lands located in the San Luis Valley - south central Colorado. The area is primarily a sport climbing destination with a few trad lines. The bouldering opportunities here are (I think) mostly undeveloped but almost limitless.

As per D'Antonio's guidebook (Falcon Publishing - Rock Climbing the San Luis Valley), the rock is a volcanic Fish Canyon welded tuff. This translates into bulletproof rock with great friction. Many climbs utilize small crimps and edges, while others scale hueco-ridden walls. The trad lines follow rough cracks - bring plenty of tape.

From my experience, all bolted lines are well done, with good hardware and placements providing well-protected routes. The majority of routes are .10 & above, with very few moderates. With the excellent bolted protection, however, this is a nice place to push the grades.

Camping is on site, costs a nominal amount (the guidebook says it is free - this has changed!), and has standard BLM regulations. Per Jesse Morehouse: as of 2012, the site fee for single site is now $11 and the group rate is $20 with 3 group sites now. Water is provided down the road from the climbing / camping area (another recent development - follow the signs), and the nearest 'goods' can be found at the 'La Garita Cash Store'.

Please note that there are several distinct climbing areas other than Penitente Canyon, including the Rock Garden, Witches Canyon, and others. Some of these are on or near private property, so be sure to watch for & obey the signs.

I am tying not to ramble, but this place just rocks!!! - fun, fun, and a bit more fun.

Eds. Note, BLM Law Enforcement Ranger hand out $50 citations to people who had occupied a campsite without filling out the form and submitting the money, even at night!

Getting There Suggest change

From Denver, W on US 285. Keep going... When you're 12 miles N of Del Norte, take a right on 'G'. Follow for 7 miles. Stop at the La Garita Cash Store & spend a couple bucks. Say hi. Get back in the car, keep going West. After the pavement ends (roughly 1 mile after the Cash Store), keep to the left on Cty 38. At the 1 mile mark, as the road turns left (South), take a right. Follow the signs.

The True Penitence Climbing Festival

Suggest change

Per A Lee: The True Penitence Climbing Festival now takes place annually in mid-October. It began in 2021. The festival reserves all campsites and parking lots at the main canyon for the weekend. The typical festival events include a climbing competition on Saturday that takes place in the main canyon and the Rock Garden. The canyon is, of course, still open to the public for day use, but please plan accordingly as camping is not available without tickets and on site parking will be highly restricted. The climbing competition on Saturday asks the general public to yield to all competition climbers, as competing climbers will be heavily using many of the routes in the canyon. Please consider climbing elsewhere during the festival if you don't want to participate. Tickets & more Info on

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Classic Climbing Routes at Penitente Canyon

Mountain Project's determination of the classic, most popular, highest rated climbing routes in this area.
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b
Tanks for the Hueco
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c
Black is Beautiful
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c
Breakdown Dead Ahead
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c
True Penitence
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c
Not My Cross To Bear
5.11b/c 6c+ 23 VIII- 24 E4 6a
Shear Strength
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a
Los Hermanos de la Weenie Way
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a
Jabba the Hutt
5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a
Forbidden Fruit
5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a
Dazed and Confuzed
5.12b 7b 26 VIII+ 26 E5 6b
Sister of Mercy
5.12d 7c 28 IX 28 E6 6b
Bullet the Blue Sky
5.13a 7c+ 29 IX+ 29 E6 6c
Colors Of Emotion
5.13a 7c+ 29 IX+ 29 E6 6c
The Virgin
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Tanks for the Hueco Penitente - Inner Canyon
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b Sport
Black is Beautiful Penitente - Entrance…
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c Sport
Breakdown Dead Ahead Penitente - Inner Canyon
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c Sport
True Penitence Penitente - Inner Canyon
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c Trad
Not My Cross To Bear Penitente - Inner Canyon
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c Sport
Shear Strength Penitente - Inner Canyon
5.11b/c 6c+ 23 VIII- 24 E4 6a Sport
Los Hermanos de la Weenie Way Penitente - Inner Canyon
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a Sport
Self-flagellation Penitente - Entrance…
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a Sport
Jabba the Hutt Penitente - Inner Canyon
5.11c 6c+ 24 VIII- 24 E4 6a Sport
Forbidden Fruit Penitente - Entrance…
5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a Sport
Dazed and Confuzed Penitente - Inner Canyon
5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a Sport
Sister of Mercy Penitente - Inner Canyon
5.12b 7b 26 VIII+ 26 E5 6b Sport
Bullet the Blue Sky Penitente - Inner Canyon
5.12d 7c 28 IX 28 E6 6b Sport
Colors Of Emotion Penitente - Entrance…
5.13a 7c+ 29 IX+ 29 E6 6c Sport
The Virgin Penitente - Inner Canyon
5.13a 7c+ 29 IX+ 29 E6 6c Sport
More Classic Climbs in Penitente Canyon »

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