Type: Trad, 330 ft (100 m), 4 pitches
FA: P. Hubbel
Page Views: 6,468 total · 25/month
Shared By: samson sp on Oct 11, 2003
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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This route is located on Sunshine Wall. The approach is steep and rather strenuous; allow 45 minutes. From the trail, walk right (north) along the base of the cliff until you come to a chimney and gully in a shaded area. Gonzo's heads up the chimney to what appears to be a saddle between two formations of the rock.

P1: climb the chimney (5.5) being careful for loose rock. Easier scrambling after the chimney leads to a nice hand crack. The crux of the pitch is the final move up and over. It helps if you're tall, otherwise the move may seem a stretch at 5.9.

P2: take the obvious dihedral on the right (5.8).

P2 Variation (recommended): follow discontinuous cracks up the middle of the face (5.9+). This eats up small to medium cams. It is a great pitch! Belay when you find standing room and protection for a belay.

P3: continue straight above the variation. Or, if you climbed the dihedral second pitch, you should diagonal up left for 30 feet from the 2nd belay until you find the vertical crack headed up. This is a solid pitch (5.8); belay on next ledge with sitting room.

P4: Gonzo's lament? This is a 50 foot offwidth, off-balance 5.8 that I thought needed lots of big gear (4-6") for protection. It is tough; don't be fooled by the grade.

Variation (if you don't have the gear to protect the offwidth...) from the belay, traverse south around a loose-looking block and out of sight of your belayer. Per Ellen SCAUTION: this traverse is non-trivial, loose and dangerous! I do not recommend relying on it. You will see the chain anchors for the Standard Route. You can climb the last crack pitch of this route (5.10) or traverse another 30 feet south and gain the 5.8 finish of Equinox - certainly a much easier 5.8 than the finish to Gonzo's.

Protection Suggest change

4-6" cams for the off-width, final pitch.

