Type: | Sport |
FA: | Janet Robinson and Steve Sangdahl, 1997 |
Page Views: | 1,768 total · 6/month |
Shared By: | Walt Wehner on Dec 31, 2000 |
Admins: | Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC |
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The second route encountered when walking down the gully on Dream Dome's right flank. Climb some slabby but fun rock past several bolts and lower.
This is the SECOND sport climb down from the top, right-most climb. The highest (most right), with the bolt on the lip of a small overhang is Wet Dreams. This climb has nearly the same start, but goes more straight up.
This is the SECOND sport climb down from the top, right-most climb. The highest (most right), with the bolt on the lip of a small overhang is Wet Dreams. This climb has nearly the same start, but goes more straight up.