Type: Trad, 135 ft (41 m)
FA: Eric Clark, Ashley Tucker, JS, July 2015
Page Views: 1,028 total · 9/month
Shared By: John Steiger on Jul 16, 2015
Admins: Perin Blanchard, GRK, D Crane

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This is actually a direct start of sorts to the second pitch of Starstruck, but the new climbing is substantial enough to justify giving the line its own name. Nice pitch for the 5.9ish trad leader who enjoys BCC quartzite. Climb a shallow right-facing dihedral to its top, clip a bolt, then continue more or less straight up to a clean left-leaning thin crack leading to a short overhang guarding the entrance into a large, wide, left-leading dihedral. (The start of the left-leaning thin crack is about 15 feet straight left from the bolts atop Starstruck's first pitch, which are easily reached if desired). Continue up the wide dihedral to a ledge with chain anchors. Akahi ends here, but one can continue up the last pitch of Starstruck if rope drag is reasonable, creating one of the longest pitches in BCC – 165 or so feet.

Location Suggest change

Between Minotaur and Tyrion. Approach by locating the base of Tyrion, then scrambling to the right to a good ledge about 25 feet up, near a small oak tree.  Although the vegetation around the belay area was cut back at one time, it likely will have come roaring back making the belay quite bushy.  Consider bringing clippers as a public service.

Protection Suggest change

Set of nuts and cams, micro to 2-3 inches. The smallest microcams come in handy. Watch rope drag. Two raps, both from chain anchors, get you down from the ledge marking the end of the route. One rap can be had with a 70 meter rope, but the rope will barely reach so beware.


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