Type: Trad, TR, 50 ft (15 m)
FA: Dick Hirschland and Bonnie Prudden (1950)
Page Views: 7,983 total · 39/month
Shared By: coolaid on Sep 24, 2007
Admins: Morgan Patterson, M Santisi, chris vultaggio

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Description Suggest change

Layback crux above triangle block. Fun thigh/knee jams. Without big cams (#5 or #6) or very small cams (<=#1 c3), it would be difficult to protect.

Descend by walking left to Uberfall Descent

Location Suggest change

The obvious wide crack just past the Uberfall and right of Ken's Crack.

Protection Suggest change

set of nuts, #5 or #6 for offwidth, some small cams (#1 c3 and smaller) prevent run-out

