Type: Trad, Sport
FA: Glenn Schuler & Kevin McLaughlin, 9/88
Page Views: 6,882 total · 24/month
Shared By: Orphaned on Jul 31, 2001
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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Warning Access Issue: Limited access Oct. 15-17, 2021 DetailsDrop down

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This is a fun climb & a great reason to haul some gear in. I find the exact location a bit hard to explain.... This is about 1/2 way to Captain America and on the right (like most routes). A short vertical crack that quickly mellows in angle and soon becomes a ledge that slopes up and to the right.

From this ledge, there is a great bolted line that climbs huecos up the steep wall. We were immediately attracted to the bolted line & then followed it down to the trad crack start. The .10d is (I'd guess) the bolted portion, but the crack down low earns some respect as well.

Eds. As of May 2023, we confirmed that the original name, Bucket Slave, has not been changed by the FAs, despite any guidebook author's published information.

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4 bolts for the upper portion, small / medium gear for the bottom crack.

