Type: | Sport |
FA: | Jack Hunt |
Page Views: | 7,717 total · 28/month |
Shared By: | Rog on Nov 8, 2001 |
Admins: | Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC |
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Access Issue: Limited access Oct. 15-17, 2021
Per Wes O'Rourke: there will be limited access October 15th-17th. The first annual True Penitence Climbing Festival will take place October 15th-17th, 2021. The festival will be reserving all campsites and parking lots at the main canyon on October 15th and 16th. Participation in all festival events will require registration for the festival. The canyon will still be open to the public for day use, but please plan accordingly, as camping is not available on site and parking will be restricted. Also, the climbing competition on Saturday the 16th will be asking the general public to yield to all competition climbers, as competing climbers will be heavily using most of the routes in the canyon. Please consider climbing elsewhere during the festival if you don't want to participate.
Just to the right of Captain America are 4 slab routes. If you need a warm up below 5.10, this area is where you should be. Mr. Breeze is (by far) the easiest of these routes. If you're in a party of 3, this is a great way to keep yourself occupied while others climb / belay. It is very fun as well. This is pretty obvious once you are there.