Type: Trad, 85 ft (26 m)
FA: L Cote D Arey11/4/68 FFA Henry Barber, Sept 1971
Page Views: 8,429 total · 40/month
Shared By: Lee Hansche on Feb 28, 2007
Admins: Jay Knower, M Sprague, Jeffrey LeCours, Jonathan S, Robert Hall

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Recluse is an awesome route. The moderate climbing is better than the crux, but the crux is a fun boulder problem in its own right.

The start is hard for the grade, period. Some have called it 5.11b. Others call it "solid" 5.10. After the first two or three moves, the locks and jams are bomber and you can cruise one of the best moderate cracks at the crag to the top. Move left at one point up high to join the finish of Bird's Nest.

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To the right of Bird's Nest (5.9), you will see a thin finger crack up a short steep section of rock leading up to a beautiful and more moderate hand crack.

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Small gear down low, then standard hand crack gear to the top.

