Type: | Sport, 80 ft (24 m) |
FA: | Rachael Lynn, Zach Orenczak, Seth Carson |
Page Views: | 4,091 total · 27/month |
Shared By: | Arlo F Niederer on Apr 26, 2012 · Updates |
Admins: | Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Aeon Aki, Mike Snyder, Taylor Spiegelberg, Jake Dickerson |
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Access Issue: Temporary Notice on aerial herbicide treatment & Bad Bolt Submission Form
PSA for those thinking about a trip. The gates are still closed and the sign says enter at your own risk. "Aerial application by helicopter of the herbicide Rejuvra will target over 5,700 acres on a landscape that has been the focus of multiple years’ worth of treatment."
The climb is friction/smearing up a smooth slab. It is more typical of granite slab climbing than other routes on the Beehive.
The crux is smearing with thin edges for fingers between bolts one and two.
A second crux is at another slab between bolts 5 and 8, if you climb directly up the bolts.
This is more sustained than most other moderate Beehive routes.
The crux is smearing with thin edges for fingers between bolts one and two.
A second crux is at another slab between bolts 5 and 8, if you climb directly up the bolts.
This is more sustained than most other moderate Beehive routes.
The trail to Beehive emerges at a broken, left-facing dihedral/drainage system. This climb is located on the smooth rock just left of the broken area.
The rightmost two bolts on the smooth slab are for the "Back to Bucket Country" route.
The rightmost two bolts on the smooth slab are for the "Back to Bucket Country" route.
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