Type: Trad, 60 ft (18 m)
FA: Matthew Fienup & Romain Wacziarg, January 2007
Page Views: 862 total · 4/month
Shared By: Matthew Fienup on Jan 23, 2007
Admins: andy patterson, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Description Suggest change

Climb a left-leaning crack. One stout 5.9 move off of the ground yields to very pleasant and moderate climbing up the crack. Eventually the crack ends at an arete shared with "Permanent Income Hypothesis." Follow the last 2 bolts of that route to the summit.

Descend by using the Permanent Income Hypothesis rappel route.

Protection Suggest change

A few pieces from a #1 TCU up to 1/2", 2 bolts and a bolted top anchor. All bolts are 1/2" Rawl-style expansion bolts.

Location Suggest change

Located on the upper headwall of the formation that is home to "Permanent Income Hypothesis." The route actually starts from the saddle formed by this formation and the one in front of it.

The two ways to approach "Rose" are to either climb "Free to Choose" and scramble or climb "Permanent Income Hypothesis" and rappel to the start.
