Type: Trad, 3 pitches
FA: 1995 Tom Hanson, Scott Sills, Janice Harnak
Page Views: 872 total · 3/month
Shared By: Tom Hanson on Oct 9, 2001
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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Begin to the right of the big slab on The Headstone. This line starts immediately left of the sport climb, Rock Nazi.

The first pitch follows some fins, just left of the chimney. Belay from the ledge below the left facing corner at two bolts with cold shuts.

The 2nd pitch climbs the left facing inside corner to a saddle/ledge.
This is the crux, protected by two fixed pins.

Pitch three goes left, to the top of a rounded tower.

Pitches 1 & 2 can be combined.

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Standard rack. Fixed belay/rappel anchors at the top of all three pitches.


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