Type: Trad, 85 ft (26 m)
FA: Bruce Pollock, Matt Pollock, Luke Freeman, 1972
Page Views: 12,998 total · 74/month
Shared By: Ian G. on Apr 29, 2010
Admins: Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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This thing is about as splitter as splitter gets. Starts out at fingers for a few feet and then hands for a loooong way, to wide hands, to fist and then maybe an OW move or two at the top. Crux is not getting pumped. If you're a Indian Creek hardman, this thing will be pretty simple business.

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At the base of Washington Column. Right around the corner is Dinner Ledge, also a fine route. This route is a little tricky to find, but there should be a trail leading up past some fairly low angle slabs. Some fourth class scrambling is necessary to reach the base. Best to leave the flip flops at home.

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Cams. I think .75 was the smallest I placed and #4 (camalots BTW) was the biggest. Probly doubles from 1-3.

