Type: Trad, TR, 70 ft (21 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 2,310 total · 13/month
Shared By: saxfiend on Apr 7, 2010
Admins: Stonyman Killough, Luke Cornejo, saxfiend

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An exciting roofy start leads to mellower climbing on positive holds.

Starting under a roof below a slanting crack, make a tough, reachy move or two past the roof and into the crack. Cruise up to another less strenuous overhang; pull through this and continue up the face to the top.

About the names: This is one of three undocumented climbs on the Burly Girls pinnacle that I found myself referring to as the Three Stooges. These have been climbed for many years, but I've not been able to find anyone who knows the real names for FAs. I don't like posting "unnamed" routes, so until I learn otherwise, they are Larry, Moe and Curly.

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Starts about 5' right of Larry below a slanting crack. Rap from the anchors.

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Small to medium gear, and slings for the chickenheads. Bolted anchors.

