Type: Trad, 240 ft (73 m), 2 pitches
FA: Ed Kaufer and Keith Cunning, 1981, First continuous ascent, Peter Croft & Bob Gaines 12/99
Page Views: 6,489 total · 34/month
Shared By: Bob Gaines on Nov 7, 2008
Admins: Greg Opland, Mike Morley, C Miller, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes, Gunkswest

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Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down

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Pitch 1: Begin on Figures On A Landscape. At the 5th bolt on the first pitch, instead of traversing right, climb straight up (5.10a R) to a huge flake, then lieback (5.9) up to a small ledge with a bolt belay. (35m rap/TR)

Pitch 2: Up, then left (10c) on steep face past 6 bolts to the top.

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A .75 camalot works well when you reach the flake (after the 10a R section) on the first pitch. Then #1 and #2 camalots (2 to 3 inches) for the flake.
The last pitch is all bolts (6 bolts) and there is a bolt anchor on top.

