Type: Trad, 45 ft (14 m)
FA: R. McGown, T. Olson
Page Views: 2,133 total · 12/month
Shared By: peachy spohn on Jul 11, 2009 · Updates
Admins: Roberta Zouain, Kristin Tippey, Micah Klesick, Nate Ball

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Warning Access Issue: Carver cliff is on PRIVATE PROPERTY! DetailsDrop down

Description Suggest change

This is the obvious off-width/chimney climb to the left of Smooth Torquer. Place your gear in the smaller crack that is on the right and wiggle up the route with your back against the left wall. It is fairly dirty, but solid rock and fun moves make it worth your time (and with more ascents it is sure to get better). Beware of a hollow sounding flake near the top, but it seems to be solid enough...just tread lightly.

Location Suggest change

Left side of Rock Garden Wall and left of Smooth Torquer.

Protection Suggest change

Gear to 2" and bolted anchor.

