Type: | Sport |
FA: | Tod Anderson |
Page Views: | 1,460 total · 5/month |
Shared By: | Richard M. Wright on Mar 19, 2001 |
Admins: | Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC |
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Access Issue: Road and Raptor Closures
Per Ross Andrea: Ramparts Range Road is closed December 1.
March 1st-July 31st: Devil's Head Rock, Sin City, & Recovery Wall are closed for raptor protection. The vast majority of the other crags are unaffected by the closure. Please visit:
fs.usda.gov/alerts/psicc/al… for additional information and maps.
March 1st-July 31st: Devil's Head Rock, Sin City, & Recovery Wall are closed for raptor protection. The vast majority of the other crags are unaffected by the closure. Please visit:
fs.usda.gov/alerts/psicc/al… for additional information and maps.
Portraits stands two routes downhill from Lady of the Lake and on the next most distinct turret. You pass another good roof problem on the way. Use the fixed rope to scramble down. Portraits is the right of two routes on this turret. It can be done by entering from the left at 5.12b, but this seems improbable, and I have found the right hand start at 5.11d to make more sense. My guess is that most climbers will enter from the right hand start. Either way converges at the first bolt. A series of seams and overlaps leads to a final 5.11d crux move 30 feet from the anchor. Some good holds lie rather far to the right, so if the going gets thin, look around the corner. Enough said. Great route and worth three stars for continuity and quality.
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