Type: Sport, TR, 80 ft (24 m)
FA: Aid Ladder - Unknown; FA possibly Ed Sampson
Page Views: 9,972 total · 40/month
Shared By: Chris Nosti on Jan 21, 2004 · Updates
Admins: andy patterson, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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This route has a mixture of old bolting ethics and those from Owen's River Gorge. This means the first bolt is about 20 ft off the deck but the ones following are almost on top of each other. That said, it is still a classic, good enough to be placed on Hans Flourine's top six routes below 5.12! It starts on the left side of the block in the middle of the wall and goes up until you are just below and left of the first bolt. Traverse right, clip the bolt, and then follow the bolt line up to the anchors. Great for those days when Cracked Wall is packed and you need some shade. 

Protection Suggest change

 Five bolts and a two eye-bolt anchor at the top make this a straight-forward lead for those just getting into sport climbing. (It usually is everyone's first lead anyway). NOTE: This is an old aid line that wasn't rebolted to be a free climb. Rather, certain bolts were just chopped and certain bolts were left (probably to avoid having to go through the arduous task of hand-bolting the route).   

