Type: Trad, 770 ft (233 m), 6 pitches
FA: Herbst & Grandstaff '74
Page Views: 67,267 total · 271/month
Shared By: Peter Gram on Apr 12, 2004
Admins: Luke EF, Larry DeAngelo, Aaron Mc, Justin Johnsen

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Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down

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Tunnel Vision is one of the most fun, unique, moderate routes that Red Rocks has to offer. It climbs up the Angel Food Wall in 6 pitches. A lot of chimneys are encountered, and even a vertical spelunking pitch. Identify the start of Tunnel Vision by a crack which intersects a roof only 15' off the ground.

P1) 5.6 Climb the right facing corner for 15', then hand traverse at the roof right for a few feet until the main crack system is reached. Follow this crack system up, then through a chimney to the first belay. Make sure to watch out for rope drag around the opening corner.

P2) 5.4 Chimney up the wide easy chimney, belaying at a fixed anchor.

P3) 5.7 Another chimney pitch. This pitch is hard to protect, and is steeper and more narrow than the previous chimney. Stops at a huge ledge.

P4) 5.5 Continue up most of a rope length to another huge ledge.

P5) 5.3 Climb left into the vertical tunnel. This is a very interesting and unique pitch. However, the rock is quite slick, and pro is scarce until climbing out the other side of the tunnel. Finish with a short crack to another big ledge.

P6) 5.5 Climb the excellent handcrack in the left facing dihedral to the top of the climb.

Descent) The descent is an easy gully system that has an optional one rope rappel en route. This is to the left of the climb.

There is an entire chapter about this route in Red Rock Odyssey

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Standard Rack, some large pieces are helpful. The gear is plentiful except for the mostly unprotectable tunnel pitch.

