Type: Trad, 130 ft (39 m)
FA: Paul Tiesla, Dan Kennedy
Page Views: 3,354 total · 18/month
Shared By: Ryan Curry on Jan 12, 2010
Admins: Aron Quiter, Lurk Er, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Description Suggest change

With a combination of thin, balancy crack climbing, featured slab and exposed knob pulling O.U.L.D. is a climb not to be missed.
The fun, bolted 5.9 slab warms you up and leads to the shallow corner that makes for the crux of the climb. Utilizing small cams and wires (RP's helpful but not necessary) carefully work your way up the beautiful tips/finger crack to a rest. Shake out and continue straight up the finger crack past some small bushes. Move left to a left trending flake peppered with knobs and pull onto the ledge to a three bolt rap station.
O.U.L.D. is an acronym for Only Users Lose Drugs.

Location Suggest change

O.U.L.D. is found at the center of the 2nd alcove to the left of We Be Jammin', right of Walking Jack. An obvious line.

Protection Suggest change

Thin pro is required. Small wires, doubles of cams from 3/8" to 2" and one 3" and 4" cam are helpful.
Bring draws for the bolted slab at the start.

