Type: Trad, 120 ft (36 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 232 total · 19/month
Shared By: Tom Berg on Sep 22, 2023
Admins: John Miller

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Climb the blocky slab up to the obvious ledge climber’s right with the pine tree and cord/webbing anchor or continue up climber’s left another ~20-30 feet to a smaller pine near the top of the block. Recommended to take a 70 meter rope or join two shorter ropes to reach the ground when rappelling. Likely one of the easier first leads at Cliff Drive.

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Climber’s left of Three Roofs (shares the same block). A convenient way to set up a top rope for Three Roofs.

Sometimes visible from the road through the trees. Park at the yellow “road-curves” sign and head straight in through the swamp and up the boulder field.

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