Type: Trad, 80 ft (24 m)
FA: H Young R Barley 08 or 09
Page Views: 796 total · 5/month
Shared By: Drew Brayshaw on Apr 12, 2010
Admins: Mark Roberts, Mauricio Herrera Cuadra, Kate Lynn, Braden Batsford

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Description Suggest change

Climb intermittent hand cracks left of Squatters Rights to a very small roof. step up over this and face climb, zig-zagging past two bolts to gain a upper ledge and a short finishing crack. Good varied climbing with interesting route finding at the crux.

Location Suggest change

Immediately left of Squatters Rights and right of the Backhoe Chimney at the uphill side of Funarama Right

Protection Suggest change

Gear to 2" and 2 bolts
