Type: | Trad, 1350 ft (409 m), 9 pitches |
FA: | Banff Climbers Club, 2014 |
Page Views: | 8,474 total · 79/month |
Shared By: | Brad Warne on Jun 2, 2016 · Updates |
Admins: | Dave Rone, Tom Jones, Richard Rose, Rhys Beaudry |
For a more in depth description of the approach and route see the report by Mark Klassen here:
Route length 410m, 9 Pitches
1: 50m, 5.6. Climb the left leaning ramp passing bolts and gear placements along the way.
2: 20m, 5.6. Continue up and left in a waterworn groove using bolts and gear. If using a 60m rope, pitches 1 and 2 can be combined a with a little simul-climbing.
3: 55m, 5.8+. Climb the long and sustained corner on bolts. A great pitch! Belay is on the left outside the crack.
4: 55m, 5.8. Continue up the crack on bolts until it turns left to a ledge. There are two bolted belays on this ledge, one on the right and one left. The one on the right can be used if needing to watch the second. But you will ultimately want to end on the belay on the left and this can be combined with the pitch itself easily.
5: 35m, 5.6. Step left and clip a bolt, then continue up and right on the blocky arete and bolts to a belay. Belay here or continue by traversing straight left across the chimney that is Cory Crack. The traverse is bolt protected and can be combined with the pitch with the use of long slings.
6: 50m, 5.6. Climb the wall above on bolts watching for loose rock on ledges.
7: 40m, 5.8. A thin move left leads to easier climbing. Climb the left facing corner until a ledge on the right and a belay.
8: 55m, 5.8. Climb a crack on the left until you are able to step back right and climb the face to the anchor.
Move the belay left to a single bolt besides a dead tree.
9: 50m, 5.7. Follow bolts up and right on the face to the top.
Continue 30 minutes to the summit or start the descent here.
The route is to the right of the prominent Cory Crack. When following the #2 approach (recommended) to the South peak, and once you’ve overcome the last steep stretch up a somewhat poorly defined game trail; you'll encounter a small gully with a log bridging both sides. Cross the gully, this will bring you to the face of the cliff. From there traverse downhill for about 200-300m, hugging the cliff face until you encounter a large dead tree marked with a cairn. At this point, When looking up at the cliff there should be two separate gully systems that form on either side of the dead tree. To the right of the tree, the gully turns into an open expanse, and you should see a short band of easy steps which you'll need to climb/scramble up. The rock quality is pretty solid here and I didn’t feel it at all necessary to rope up for this. Once you have reached the top of these steps you'll be in a steep loose gully system. Go up the gully until you can see a large dihedral separated by an awesome crack. The dead tree that once marked the first bolt fell and is no longer there. That being said you should be able to spot it pretty easily on one of the first ledges that leads up to the dihedral (I’ve posted a more recent photo for reference)
Descent: From the last bolted anchor continue up slope 30m. From here traverse left on scree around a corner (flagging and cairn). Zig-zag on ledges to reach the shoulder on the left that can be seen below. To the right of the shoulder is a rocky gully that can be descended. From here many options exist. You could head straight down in to the drainage and follow it until reaching your approach trail. We chose to follow the base of the cliff around left until reaching a grassy chute. Head down this chute until it turns to mossy forest. Stay skiers left of the drainage proper and you should find an excellent game trail that will lead you to the creek crossing on the approach trail.