Type: Trad, 700 ft (212 m), 12 pitches, Grade II
FA: Jess Lewis & Bobby Lewis
Page Views: 12,095 total · 97/month
Shared By: Jess Lewis on Jun 14, 2014 · Updates
Admins: Joey Chicharrones, Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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Description Suggest change

This route is a mixed route. The crux on this route is pitch 8. Pitches 6 & 7 traverse left across the face, and then there is a pitch that climbs at 5.10a. It is short, thin, and well-protected. The final moves on pitch 12 are also a bit tricky with a perfect hand jam in a roof and little to no feet. This climb goes fast with the short pitches.

To rap off this route, you need two 60m ropes. You rap down D4.

Location Suggest change

This route is on the far right side of the Davis Face proper, about 1000' right of D4. There is a (possibly overgrown) trail up from the base of D3 that is separate (offshoot) from the trail heading up to the Carter Classic/D4 area. Also, on the main trail up to CC/D4, you can look for a cairn and a trail leading right. Begin climbing on a small bench/at or before a gully with bolts on the south end of the face. There is a very large, prominent white feature about 100' up and to the left of the base of the route that you can bushwhack to once you spot it. You can wrap this route with 2 60m ropes in 2 rappels or 1 60m rope in 5 raps. There are rap rings on a number of the pitches, which allows you to bail off at a number of different spots if needed.

Protection Suggest change

This route is now a mixed route. Previously it was bolted European style, super alpine. If you have climbed it before, be aware that you now need a small rack of gear! Bring singles in pro and draws for mixed climbing.

