Type: TR, 40 ft (12 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 762 total · 6/month
Shared By: Aaron Bugh on Jun 28, 2013
Admins: GRK, Zach Wahrer

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Start just left of Dreamweaver and work your way up some super slaby rock that technically could be called a finger crack, but is all friction off of the bottom. Work up into the steeper part of the face and move through some fun layback sequences to the deceptively hard top, finishing left of Dreamweaver. Like for morning blues the arete near this climb is technically off according to the book, and again feel free to use it just know it's not gonna be 11d if you do. Both Morning Blues and Feelings I only gave one start due to their kind of contrived nature.

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Just left of Dreamweaver

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TR off of Dreamweaver gear anchor


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