Type: Trad, TR, 50 ft (15 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 1,033 total · 8/month
Shared By: mmainer on Jun 15, 2013 · Updates
Admins: Jason Hayden, Kristen Fiore, Luc-514

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Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures for access issues: please review cragvt.org DetailsDrop down

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Slabby face climbing with various seams/thin cracks. This is a fairly wide area and you can climb it wherever you want.

(I got this name from Tough Schist by Travis Peckham). The route names here are really generic, maybe folks have something better?

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Clear streak right of the perched block. There is a small corner to start with.

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Very little decent gear... I guess that's why it's most popular as a top-rope

