Type: Trad, 45 ft (14 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 3,448 total · 17/month
Shared By: Perin Blanchard on Feb 19, 2008
Admins: Perin Blanchard, GRK, D Crane

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Warning Access Issue: Sometimes closed in spring for raptor nesting DetailsDrop down

Description Suggest change

A fun, mostly hand-size crack with a section of offwidth- to fist-sized. The start is a little tricky, particularly if you are shorter. The short offwidth section is a bit intimidating, but either liebacking or a bit of groveling followed by fist jams will see it through.

This crack gets sun fairly early, so it is a good one to start with on a brisk morning.

Location Suggest change

This right-facing, corner crack is located in the same alcove as Deface Crack and Red Warrior. There is a v-shaped chain anchor on the face just to the right of the crack.

Looking down, 500 W street in Saint George is just slightly west. The belay area is large, flat, and well-used so it should be hard to miss.

Protection Suggest change

A #4 Camalot C4 fits the offwidth section, and #2.5 and #3 Friends for the rest (and I used one #2 friend as an oppositional piece at the start).

A three-bolt anchor at the top with a chain and a quicklink, although although only two of the bolts are connected by the chain.

