Type: Sport, 140 ft (42 m)
FA: McDevitt
Page Views: 4,893 total · 23/month
Shared By: Alex Shainman on Jul 9, 2007 · Updates
Admins: Aron Quiter, Euan Cameron, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Description Suggest change

One of the coolest lines of its type...Which is everything...Could be lead almost entirely on so-so gear but its got bolts. Actually every bolt has fixed chain and biners. After doing the route you'll feel like you just did a lieback and dyno problem, a wild bombay chimney, a cool handcrack in a corner, a bouldery arete crossover to roof jamming move and a moderate pitch of stemming and edging.

Location Suggest change

Starts on a large flat boulder with some moves leftward to a ramp that takes an optional finger-sized cam. You're heading for the aesthetic dihedral up high. 

What To Bring Suggest change

Your loaded guns. Permadraws, an 80M rope, or 2 ropes.

