Type: Trad, 80 ft (24 m)
FA: Dave Evans, Todd Gordon, Todd Battey, Tom Burke, Jim Angione & Craig Fry, September 1988
Page Views: 3,318 total · 13/month
Shared By: Randy on Feb 28, 2003
Admins: Greg Opland, C Miller, Gunkswest, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down

Description Suggest change

This clean, steep, somewhat right leaning crack would be crowded every day of the season if it were located closer to the masses. It is located on the steep southeast face of Olympic Dome just right of Black Diamond (5.12a); to get to the base of the route, some "Class 3" climbing is necessary.

Though the crack appears fairly wide in spots, it has no dreaded offwidth sections and is an excellent route.

Protection Suggest change

Bring a good selection of medium to large pro (to 4"). 2 bolt anchor/rap.

