Type: Sport, 30 ft (9 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 524 total · 4/month
Shared By: burboeck on Jun 1, 2014
Admins: Jason Halladay, David Riley

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This is a short but rewarding climb that follows a white streak up to anchors by the vegetation.

The white streak brings the crux as the texture is smoother than the surrounding stone, with small handholds and less secure foot placements.

Setting a toprope or alternatively clipping the lowest bolt hanger can be easily accomplished from the descent of Las Mallas de Cristo or Hola que Tal (though the latter is a more difficult route), as both routes end almost directly above this climb.

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Just to the right of the largest tree (at Las Mallas de Cristo), but can more easily be belayed from the trail below.

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Bolted but...
The first bolt has been sawed off and the second has had the hanger removed.


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