Type: Trad, 140 ft (42 m)
FA: EFR,Geir Hundal,'09
Page Views: 736 total · 4/month
Shared By: 1Eric Rhicard on Apr 24, 2009
Admins: adrian montaƱo, Greg Opland, Brian Boyd, JJ Schlick, Kemper Brightman, Luke Bertelsen

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Description Suggest change

Slightly spicy climbing on good gear and relatively easy rock leads to an airy finish on the right arete.

Location Suggest change

Located on a formation called the Lorax. Work around the right side of the Knight then up slabs to the second fin of rock. Starts in the center of the face at the toe of the formation. Follows cracks and seams that stay right of the main buttress. At a spot where two seams make an X work left then up to bolted face. Route finished to the left of the arete. The high bolt is for Hyrax.

Protection Suggest change

Standard rack of singles to blue Camalot and a few bolts.

