Type: | Sport |
FA: | Ken Trout and Guy Lord, 1989? Mike Freischlag, ~1990 or 1991 |
Page Views: | 3,294 total · 11/month |
Shared By: | Richard M. Wright on Jun 28, 2001 · Updates |
Admins: | Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC |
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Access Issue: Private Property issues
The West Bank / Wild West / Secret Crag has been problematic for years due to access concerns. There have been negative encounters with gun-toting landowners who have alleged that the entire mountain is on private property. Typical approaches involve brief crossing of railroad property which appears to be prohibited.
Exact demarcation of property boundaries are not always clear. When in doubt, be discrete or polite.
Do not park your vehicle near the railroad tracks near Plainview. It is a well-known irritant to Plainview residents.
Exact demarcation of property boundaries are not always clear. When in doubt, be discrete or polite.
Do not park your vehicle near the railroad tracks near Plainview. It is a well-known irritant to Plainview residents.
My favorite climb on Ridge 4, Killer Elite takes the face just left of Pinch. The climbing starts in a shallow alcove off a flat base. A thin, left-facing corner is actually taken on the face to the left, with the fingers in the corner. The corner fades away with a reachy traverse left before kicking straight up to the anchor. Chase upwards on a relentless series of thin fingery edges and crystals. For its grade, Killer Elite is fantastically continuous. I thought that it possessed at least 5 sequences at 5.11c, perhaps even six. The moves right off the deck are just a tad easier than everything else. The sequences are tricky, the feet are bad, and the moves are absolutely Killer. Three stars for the great moves, excellent stone, and relentless continuity. The route has no 5.12 moves on it, so someone else may down rate it to 5.11+.