All Locations >
> Boulder
> Boulder Canyon
> Lower Dream Canyon
> Wall of Winter…
> Direct Cop Out (5.10b 6a+ 19 VII- 19 E2 5b)
ID 1205444 ·
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Ivan Rezucha
Jan 9, 2005
“On the 3rd and last pitch. This pitch is 8 or easy 9. It's way runout above the ceiling at the skyline above Chuck with the difficulty depending on how directly you climb. Maybe 5.6 or 7 if you climb straight up. Fun on TR.
The old bolt is in the groove at the bottom left of the photo. Chuck chose to climb the natural line directly above the belay and right of the bolt, but should you choose to climb directly at the bolt, there is some gear, and the moves at the bolt are not particularly hard.”
The old bolt is in the groove at the bottom left of the photo. Chuck chose to climb the natural line directly above the belay and right of the bolt, but should you choose to climb directly at the bolt, there is some gear, and the moves at the bolt are not particularly hard.”