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Energy food that doesn't taste terrible?

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Kai Larson · · Sandy, UT · Joined Jan 2006 · Points: 441

I can't stand energy bars. Pro bars, Cliff bars, Lara bars, Power bars, all forms of Gu. They all make me gag.

I like Snickers and Baby Ruth candy bars. I like dried fruit (mango, apricots, oranges from Trader Joes are tasty.) I like nuts. I like dried coconut. I like halva. I like pepperoni. I like Dutch honey waffles.

What are some other relatively easy to eat foods that people actually enjoy eating while climbing? What's your go-to breakfast when you don't want to crank up the stove and heat water to make oatmeal? What do you eat as the day goes along?

S Denny · · Aspen, CO · Joined Sep 2008 · Points: 20
Kai Larson wrote:I like Snickers and Baby Ruth candy bars. I like dried fruit (mango, apricots, oranges from Trader Joes are tasty.) I like nuts. I like dried coconut. I like halva. I like pepperoni. I like Dutch honey waffles.
sounds like you've got it covered. maybe honey stinger chews and clif shot blocks... otherwise, you really want people on the internet to tell you? you're really picky. eat some stuff. or wait 24 hours and see how good that clif bar looks
Sunny-D · · SLC, Utah · Joined Aug 2006 · Points: 700

I'm right there with you. I really have a hard time stomaching all the different energy food. When push comes to shove I will use gu-just because I can get it down fast. I think Honey Stinger Chews are OK. Their Waffles aren't too bad. I have just found Kind bars, they are pretty good. I like the dark chocolate with Sea Salt.
I think normal food for the most part makes up most of my diet when I am out.
Lets get out climbing and I can sample more of your yummy food:)

Morgan Patterson · · NH · Joined Oct 2009 · Points: 8,960

PRO BAR Whole Food Meal Bar, Superfruit Slam is my favorite. Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Dinner... Organic, Raw, GMO free, and honestly, DELICIOUS! Huge pieces of fruit, loads of energy, and even great for dieting IMO.

This is the best energy bar you will ever eat.

Pro Bar Superfruit Meal Bar

Rocky_Mtn_High · · Arvada, CO · Joined Apr 2010 · Points: 230

I'm with you: I can't stand most energy bars (though I do like and rely on Gu). Snickers bars are my favorite "energy bar", though they get rock-hard in cold temps. For snow climbs, I really like Reese's Peanut Butter cups, which I was delighted to find out are now conveniently available (at Walmart) in a big bar package. They have a much lower melting point than Snickers bars, so are great in cold (but should be avoided on warm outings).

Dave Bn · · Boise, ID · Joined Jul 2011 · Points: 10

I've stopped carrying crappy energy bars if out for a day of ski touring or alpine climbing. Instead I typically take a Butterfinger or two (or if cold enough to keep them solid a bag of the mini peanut butter cups), a sleeve of pringles a couple string cheeses and beef jerky sticks.

I figure fuck it, I'll burn between 5-8K calories on those days so I'm going to eat food that is enjoyable to eat. Leftover pizza is pretty damn good too.

I've never really found the lack of complex carbs to be an issue for me otherwise I'd probably carry something whole-wheatish.

For breakfast a couple nice slices of banana bread with walnuts is pretty hard to beat.

Sunny-D · · SLC, Utah · Joined Aug 2006 · Points: 700

Last time I went up Denali I had 30 lbs of Snickers- needless to say I didn't want to see another Snickers bar for awhile after that trip. I figured 2-3 a day. That was a mistake variety is where its at!

SM Ryan · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jul 2008 · Points: 1,090


For breakfast
Almond butter and banana sandwiches
Yogurt, fruit and granola
Hard boiled eggs, jerky or smoked salmon, cheese crackers
Last weekend I pre-made a potato salad (oil-based not mayo-based dressing) and topped it with some grated cheese and a hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.

I think you have to experiment with what works for you (esp if performing or redpointing).
Lunch ideas
hummus, carrots, and black olives
almond butter, apples, bananas
Turkey wraps with pesto

Max Forbes · · Colorado · Joined Jan 2014 · Points: 108

I love me some pepperoni sticks

T Howes · · Bend, OR · Joined Dec 2010 · Points: 20

Halvah bar, chocolate is best. 350 calories, $0.99

also, beef jerky.

Jon Nelson · · Redmond, WA · Joined Sep 2011 · Points: 8,421

PB&J. Easy to make, easy to eat.

Jon H · · PC, UT · Joined Nov 2009 · Points: 118

PB&N is the next level.


Abram Herman · · Grand Junction, CO · Joined May 2009 · Points: 20

Bacon Jerky.

Mike Belu · · Chicago, IL · Joined Jun 2012 · Points: 135

Rice crispy treats.

Patrick Shyvers · · Fort Collins, CO · Joined Jul 2013 · Points: 10

I make jerky, and mix it up in a big bag of dried fruit and trail mix. High hydration requirements with this mix, but it never goes bad and packs down well.

I'm thinking about trying pemmican in the future.

Protip: if you bring along something like hummus, when it's below freezing jerky can be used as a spoon.

Jake T · · Prescott AZ · Joined Jun 2011 · Points: 5

All time favorite goes to sandys pecan shortbread cookies. nice and fatty with a mild flavor that doesn't get old so quick.

ze dirtbag · · Tahoe · Joined Jun 2012 · Points: 50

i stick with sweet potatoes, pb/chocolate chip/chia seed sandwich, the little squeeze packets of baby food, figs, dates, candy bars, mono bars. for alpine days i will do pb & bacon

Wyatt H · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Oct 2010 · Points: 6

My wife sticks random fruits in the blender and then pours the mess onto a sheet and puts it in the dehydrator. Makes some awesome fruit leather or fruit bars, depending on the consistency and water content.

Aaron Olson · · Seattle, WA · Joined Apr 2011 · Points: 5

Suck it up and buy a lot of Shot Blocks. I eat those like candy.

Wyatt H · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Oct 2010 · Points: 6

Is there a real difference?

Nothing against shot blocks, I love them, but they are just expensive candy, right?

Danie White · · SLC, UT · Joined Oct 2012 · Points: 230

I'm not crazy about bars either. Here's my kit:
Homemade banana bread with sunflower seeds in it for protein. Make it with any kind of flour you like.
If it's cold I always take along a thermos of chai (made with cow milk or almond milk) or peppermint tea.
Almond butter on english muffins makes a nice high calorie snack that holds up well in a pack. Same for cheese and cucumber slices on wheat crackers. The latter seems to hit the spot in the desert.

Guideline #1: Don't be a jerk.

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