a. Khadejha Area Guidebooks
New York : The Gunks : Peterskill
FEATURED: A Rock Climber's Guide to the Peter's Kill Climbing AreaMike Rawdon and Mary MolitorisIn 2015, Mike Rawdon and Marty Molitoris published a new guidebook -- find it at Rock & Snow or The Inner Wall. |
Peter's Kill Climbing GuideRobert WilsonGuide to climbing (lead and top-roping) at Peter's Kill. Should be available at Rock and Snow in New Paltz. |
New York : The Gunks
FEATURED: GunksAppsGunksAppsThe Gunks Apps are a phone app available for Android and IOS. |
Bouldering in the ShawangunksIvan A Greene and Marc E Russo, Jefe Publication, 2003.A complete bouldering guide |
The Gunks Guide, Third EditionTodd Swain, Chockstone Press, 1995.Swain's all-inclusive guide to The Trapps, Near Trapps, Sky Top, and Millbrook. Route descriptions, photos, quality ratings, and protection ratings. Not as detailed as Williams' guides, but has everything in one volume. |
New York
An Ice Climber's Guide to Southern New England and Eastern New YorkAuthor: Todd Swain/ Publisher: K. Daniels & Associates/ Date Published: September 2020This guidebook covers 200 ice climbing areas in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, southern Maine, southern New Hampshire, southern Vermont and eastern New York. |