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Elevation: 8,489 ft 2,587 m
GPS: 39.7107, -105.695
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Shared By: Richard M. Wright on Feb 22, 2004 · Updates
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

Description Suggest change

Georgetown. I've waited a long time to post this area largely because most of the crags are approached across private land. I had gone up a couple of years ago scouting and managed to get in one long route called "Dirty Pool" (5.12a, 170 ft, 18 clips) named after the biased drubbing that Mayor Koleen Brooks received when she was evicted from office. Subsequently, a sign appeared near the approach trail declaring the land private and for sale. So, I blew it all off for a while. In February 2004, I ventured back by first asking one of the land owners if I could cross their property. They gave a warm heads up with the caveats that (1) I was not hunting and (2) would respect their privacy and (3) their land. So, it would appear that one can climb here. Just treat the private property for what it is and ask permission first.

The Main crag, "The Georgetown Buttress" lies well up the West/North facing hill and is immediately obvious after crossing under the highway. The complex is composed of half a dozen granite crags, some upwards of 160 feet in height. The granite is nearly perfect. The East faces remain shady and are composed of bullet proof edges that are just a kick to climb on. The main west facing crag has several outrageous overhangs, faces, fins, and slabs. Development has just started on this main crag. A great deal of rock exists up toward and along the Guanella pass road. I humped into one of these crags, a mile or so up the road, last year only to find a nest slings high on one of the crags. So others have poked around here as well. Numerous crags also exist on the South side of the highway, but the best lie ominously above the road and any approach has to be immaculate. Nonetheless, some of these crags are brilliant, bullet-proof, and offer great potential for terrific climbing. Georgetown has been hardly tapped as climbing area, but if you are willing to make the hikes and are willing to deal with the process of securing permision, then terrific potential exists for some excellent sport climbs.

Getting There Suggest change

Drive West on I-70 to Georgetown. Get off at the exit before the hill. Cross under the highway. The main crags are straight ahead and up the hill - 20 minutes. The hike up is a bit of a bear, two thirds of which has no trail.

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Classic Climbing Routes at Georgetown

Mountain Project's determination of the classic, most popular, highest rated climbing routes in this area.
V2 5+
Chalk Block
Boulder, Alpine
V3 6A
Warm-Up Arete
Boulder, Alpine
V4 6B
Trailside Problem
Boulder, Alpine
V5 6C
Ninja Pony Ride
Boulder, Alpine
V5-6 6C+
High Horse
Boulder, Alpine
V6- 7A
Guanella Arete
Boulder, Alpine
V6 7A
Boulder, Alpine
V7 7A+
Compression Matters
Boulder, Alpine
V8 7B
Love Matters
Boulder, Alpine
V10- 7C+
Boulder, Alpine
V10 7C+
Crimping Matters
Boulder, Alpine
V10 7C+
Boulder, Alpine
V10 7C+
Dark Horse
Boulder, Alpine
V11 8A
Dark Horse Sit
Boulder, Alpine
V12 8A+ PG13
Mind Matters
Boulder, Alpine
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Chalk Block Guanella Pass > 7 Mile Boulders > Warm-Up Block Two
V2 5+ Boulder, Alpine
Warm-Up Arete Guanella Pass > 7 Mile Boulders > Warm-Up Block Three
V3 6A Boulder, Alpine
Trailside Problem Guanella Pass > 7 Mile Boulders > Main Warm-Ups
V4 6B Boulder, Alpine
Ninja Pony Ride Guanella Pass > 7 Mile Boulders > Bessie
V5 6C Boulder, Alpine
High Horse Guanella Pass > Dark Horse Boulder
V5-6 6C+ Boulder, Alpine
Guanella Arete Guanella Pass > 7 Mile Boulders > Warm-Up Block One
V6- 7A Boulder, Alpine
Traverse Guanella Pass > 7 Mile Boulders > Main Warm-Ups
V6 7A Boulder, Alpine
Compression Matters Guanella Pass > 7 Mile Boulders > Mind Matters Boulder
V7 7A+ Boulder, Alpine
Love Matters Guanella Pass > 7 Mile Boulders > Love Matters Boulder
V8 7B Boulder, Alpine
Transfiguration Guanella Pass > Guanella Proper
V10- 7C+ Boulder, Alpine
Crimping Matters Guanella Pass > 7 Mile Boulders > Mind Matters Boulder
V10 7C+ Boulder, Alpine
Bessie Guanella Pass > 7 Mile Boulders > Bessie
V10 7C+ Boulder, Alpine
Dark Horse Guanella Pass > Dark Horse Boulder
V10 7C+ Boulder, Alpine
Dark Horse Sit Guanella Pass > Dark Horse Boulder
V11 8A Boulder, Alpine
Mind Matters Guanella Pass > 7 Mile Boulders > Mind Matters Boulder
V12 8A+ PG13 Boulder, Alpine
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