Type: Boulder, 12 ft (4 m)
FA: Chaz Hart
Page Views: 15 total · 4/month
Shared By: Chaz Hart on May 9, 2024
Admins: Perin Blanchard, GRK, D Crane

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(Starts a little bunched) Start sitting, and matched, and move left hand up to a cool 3-4 finger slot, right hand to a crimp. Lock off on that crimp and get a high left foot. and reach to a crappy crimp straight above you (crux move). Then right hand to a gaston, throw left hand to a good hold straight up above the crux crimp. Go to the lip and top out!

Other than that the landing is great, the holds seem solid. And its a fun, pretty much 1 move boulder. Im sure you could find a way to break beta on this climb... v9ish is given to the intended line, any different beta/holds would probably be loads easier.

Location Suggest change

This is the hard line in between Noob, and Mr Steez. Both are on the main boulder in Nessi's. The starting holds are about 2.5 feet to the left of the bottom of the main crack on the boulder.

Protection Suggest change

2 pads would be fine.

