Type: Trad, Sport
FA: unknown
Page Views: 1,923 total · 7/month
Shared By: Steve Marr on Dec 31, 2000
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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Cold Frize is one of the first climbs you encounter at the top of the trail from Jackson Creek and the parking area. It is located in a dihedral on the left side of a large wall with an obvious bulge about 2/3 of the way up. The climb starts up a good crack which leads to the bulge. The climbing becomes more tenuous towards the top of the crack. At the bulge, protect with a couple bomber cam placements and then pull around it to the right (crux). Once past this, there are a couple of good bolts enroute to the anchors. Enjoyable climb.

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Bring a standard rack (up to a #3 Camalot) for the intial portion of the climb. Quickdraws for the upper section.

