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Moving to Reno questions

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Nic Gravley · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2020 · Points: 0

I’m moving to Reno for work in about a week. I’ll be living out of my truck, and my office is on valley road. I’ve heard it’s a potentially bad area as far as break ins.

I’m going to get a storage unit for bikes/skis/things not in daily use, but since I’ll be living out of my vehicle it’ll be impossible to have everything out of there. I’m wondering if anyone has any advice about fairly safe areas to sleep not too far from there or any other good beta.

Thanks, and if you are a Reno local and want to climb or do some backcountry skiing in the coming month, let me know!


John Clark · · Reno, NV · Joined Mar 2016 · Points: 1,398
Nic Gravley wrote:

I’m moving to Reno for work in about a week. I’ll be living out of my truck, and my office is on valley road. I’ve heard it’s a potentially bad area as far as break ins.

I’m going to get a storage unit for bikes/skis/things not in daily use, but since I’ll be living out of my vehicle it’ll be impossible to have everything out of there. I’m wondering if anyone has any advice about fairly safe areas to sleep not too far from there or any other good beta.

Thanks, and if you are a Reno local and want to climb or do some backcountry skiing in the coming month, let me know!


Why will you be restricted to that road if you are living out of your truck? As someone who city dwelt in a vehicle, this seems odd. Shower/shitter proximity problem?

Nic Gravley · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2020 · Points: 0

I just don’t want to be driving all the way across the city or out of town twice a day if there’s some low key areas near by. Gas is expensive and the less time I have to spend driving the more time I have to play and train.

I don’t have much of a concept of how big Reno is or if there’s different sections where I wouldn’t need to be as worried about property crime.  Just trying to get some beta on the area  

John Clark · · Reno, NV · Joined Mar 2016 · Points: 1,398
Nic Gravley wrote:

I just don’t want to be driving all the way across the city or out of town twice a day if there’s some low key areas near by. Gas is expensive and the less time I have to spend driving the more time I have to play and train.

I don’t have much of a concept of how big Reno is or if there’s different sections where I wouldn’t need to be as worried about property crime.  Just trying to get some beta on the area  

You can get from anywhere in reno to anywhere else in reno in 20 min or less at nearly any time of day or night. Are you planning on having a gym membership for training?

Also, depending on your “commuting” path, reno is very bikeable

Nic Gravley · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2020 · Points: 0

Ah I thought it was bigger than that for whatever reason. That does make it easier. I’ll probably get a gym membership for the first month I’m there before I switch to 8 on/6 off schedule 

Delia Rose · · Portland (Oregon) · Joined May 2018 · Points: 5

My bf lived out of his car for a bit in Reno and had luck with different dirt roads up Peavine, Hoge Road is a good starting spot, as long as you're changing it up regularly. And the neighborhoods around UNR (west of Sierra St) are generally chill, safe and lots of folks coming in and out so you wouldn't stick out.

Big B · · Reno, NV · Joined Mar 2015 · Points: 1

Get a membership at NorthPeak climbing gym and sleep in their parking lot.

Nic Gravley · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2020 · Points: 0
Delia Rose wrote:

My bf lived out of his car for a bit in Reno and had luck with different dirt roads up Peavine, Hoge Road is a good starting spot, as long as you're changing it up regularly. And the neighborhoods around UNR (west of Sierra St) are generally chill, safe and lots of folks coming in and out so you wouldn't stick out.

Thanks:) exactly the type of info I was looking for. 

Nic Gravley · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2020 · Points: 0
Big B wrote:

Get a membership at NorthPeak climbing gym and sleep in their parking lot.

How is north peak compared to Mesa rim? Mesa rim looks a little nicer but it’s so much more expensive. 

John Clark · · Reno, NV · Joined Mar 2016 · Points: 1,398
Nic Gravley wrote:

How is north peak compared to Mesa rim? Mesa rim looks a little nicer but it’s so much more expensive. 

I climbed north peak completely out in 2 hours. Basecamp will be your middle ground, but no convenient car camping since it is downtown.

Northpeak: budget

Basecamp: vibes, community, amenities

Mesa: scene, amenities, convenience

Big B · · Reno, NV · Joined Mar 2015 · Points: 1
Nic Gravley wrote:

How is north peak compared to Mesa rim? Mesa rim looks a little nicer but it’s so much more expensive. 

John pretty much nailed it...since you're sleeping in your vehicle, I figured you'd be lookin for BUDGET

Nic Gravley · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2020 · Points: 0

thanks for all the info:) I’m only moderately broke, housing is just low down on my list of things I’d like to spend money on when it’s not winter;)

Guideline #1: Don't be a jerk.

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