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Winterpark Mountain Bike Racing Series

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John McNamee · · Littleton, CO · Joined Jul 2002 · Points: 1,690

Anyone doing the Winterpark (Colorado) Mountain Bike racing series this summer?

I'm trying it for the first time starting with the hill climb in two weeks. I'll be the old slow one of the group. Everyone else in the team is racing in the expert level.

Team Golden Wheelmen. We even have sponsors: Pizza and Beer.

Anyhow, any advice you can give a newby mountain bike racer?…

Tradster · · Phoenix, AZ · Joined Nov 2007 · Points: 0

Joe Friel has some very good books on training. Good luck!

Chris Plesko · · Westminster, CO · Joined Oct 2007 · Points: 485

I'll be out there after I finish the Tour Divide, probably the 3rd race and beyond. I race in Expert 25-29 on my singlespeed, in a team kit for "Ride Against the Machine." My wife will likely be at the 2nd race if she's not coming to pick me up from the border. Same kit on a silver 29er geared or black 29er singlespeed racing expert as well.

Advice? Have fun and race hard. If you haven't raced much before, you'll figure it out pretty quickly. People always go out too hard, esp in beginner and sport. You want to go out hard but be realistic. ;)

I'm happy to answer specific questions if you want too, just email me. I've raced out there on and off since 2001.

Erik W · · Santa Cruz, CA · Joined Mar 2007 · Points: 280

Go get 'em, John. Chris gave the best advice, don't go out crazy hard from the start. Since there isn't any singletrack for the Hill Climb (all fire road to the top), getting that early position isn't as important. Better to get into your own LT zone early on and pick off the jackrabbits one by one on the upper slopes of the climb. Do a thorough warmup and don't carry too much water (1 bottle max). And when the pain comes, just laser in on the rear hub of the guy in front of you. Lastly, if you have time after the race and the trails are free of snow, go preview some of sections for the other races in the season. Good luck.

John McNamee · · Littleton, CO · Joined Jul 2002 · Points: 1,690

Thanks for the tips...

Should be fun. I think!

Guideline #1: Don't be a jerk.

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