Montagne du Tranchant Climbing
Elevation: | 1,184 ft | 361 m |
GPS: |
46.28989, -73.85519 Google Map · Climbing Area Map |
Page Views: | 17,661 total · 131/month | |
Shared By: | Luc-514 on Nov 13, 2013 | |
Admins: | Thierry Berland, Richer Lariviere, Luc-514 |
It's located on public lands managed by the city of St-Come, the Club d'Escalade de Lanaudière (CEL) and the FQME. The city is fairly open to climbers, they've created a parking lot, installed a dry toilet and clear out the snow from the lot for us ice-climbers. So please encourage the local economy to thank them!
Due to the high amount of climbers frequenting the area, always wear a helmet at the base and leave babies and dogs at home or very far from the cliff.
Don't go smashing developing ice, maybe it will fill in in a couple weeks.
-There's no garbage cans on the site so please pack it out.
-Please refrain from starting fires and camping on the neighbours lot.
?Rock Climbs?
Getting There
From Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci:
Take the 347 east along a beautiful winding road.
Shortly after the Val-Saint-Côme ski center there's a left turn in the 347 going downhill.
Take a left on the bottom of that hill on Chemin du Lac Clair.
After 1.5km the parking lot is on the right.
From Saint-Côme:
Take the 347 west.
After 6km Take a right on Chemin du Lac Clair.
After 1.5km the parking lot is on the right.
Depuis Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci :
Prendre la 347 vers l'est le long d'une belle route sinueuse.
Peu après le centre de ski Val-Saint-Côme, il y a un virage à gauche dans la 347 qui descend.
Au bas de la colline, tourner à gauche sur le chemin du Lac Clair.
Après 1,5 km, le parking se trouve sur la droite.
Depuis Saint-Côme :
Prendre la 347 vers l'ouest.
Après 6 km, prendre à droite sur le Chemin du Lac Clair.
Après 1,5 km, le parking se trouve sur la droite.
Stéphane Lapierre et Bernard Gagnon
Les éditions La Randonnée
528 pages
Guide updates
Guide d'Escalade de Lanaudière (Roche et Glace)
Jean Claude Néolet (2009)+updates
Available at La Cordée and Montain Equipment Coop
Classic Climbing Routes at Montagne du Tranchant
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