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Approach to Vent 5

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0.4 mi 0.6 km
0 ft 0 m
-312 ft -95 m

From the main Vent 5 parking lot, follow the obvious trail, taking a right straight down the hill just past a large boulder and a rocky section. Watch out for poison oak. After reaching the top of Motown, take a right to get down to the base, taking care on the steep trail- it is sometimes a little washed out after winter rains. A less well-marked trail leads to Emperor Boulder just after Motown, but stay left heading vaguely towards Endless Bummer. The trail has a few more rocky sections and passes below Endless Bummer before dropping down to the Juice Shop. Continue along the rocks to reach the other Vent 5 crags. About 15 mins down in total.


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