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Ken Trout
Aug 13, 2003
Kirk Miller took this picture of Mark Rolofson just above the first crux. The old route to the first anchor took me five days to scrub and bolt, alone, often in the dark, after work. Mark put in the cool roof finish several years later.

I used to always say that a bolter's reward for doing a new route was listening to others complain about it. But you guys have really spoiled me with your positive comments. Thank you very much!



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Kirk Miller took this picture of Mark Rolofson just above the first crux.  The old route to the first anchor took me five days to scrub and bolt, alone, often in the dark, after work.  Mark put in the cool roof finish several years later.  <br>
I used to always say that a bolter's reward for doing a new route was listening to others complain about it.  But you guys have really spoiled me with your positive comments.  Thank you very much!<br>

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