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Missouri Climbing Gym Directory

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Mountain Project can't be a complete community resource without climbing gyms. Please help us keep our gym database up to date.

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Climb So Ill St. Louis
Climb So Ill Rivers Township
CoMo Rocks Missouri Town…
Firley YMCA Jefferson Tow…
IBEX Climbing Gym Sni-A-Bar Tow…
Lifetime Fitness Lafayette Tow…
Missouri State University Rec Center Springfield T…
North Kansas City YMCA Gallatin Town…
Rock ON Howell Township
RoKC Climbing Gym Gallatin Town…
ROKC Underground Kaw Township
Sequence Climbing Kaw Township
St. Louis REI Clayton Township
The Bouldering Garden Columbia Town…
The Center of Clayton Clayton Township
University of Missouri Missouri Town…
Upper Limits St. Louis
Upper Limits - Chesterfield Chesterfield…
Upper Limits - Maryland Heights Creve Coeur T…
Zenith Climbing Center Springfield T…

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