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5.10b, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 1.9 from 14 votes
FA: Alan Bartlett, Dave Haber, Sheryl Haber, Rick Briggs & Brandt Allen, Aug 1992
California > Joshua Tree NP > Central Joshua… > Sheep Pass Area > Hall of Horrors… > Hall of Horrors > E Wall Outer (Creatur…
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


Located at Hall of Horrors East Wall - Den of Doom, left (west) of Rocky Horror Picture Show and below it in a narrow corridor on a short southeast facing face with a giant white flake. Face climb up and left to the left side of the flake and then up and right along the left side of the flake.


Down climb the back side easily puts you back at the base in seconds.


Five bolts protect this route nicely. Bolt anchor. The first bolt is shared with another route that goes straight up the spoogy white face.  A #1 camelot can protect moves to reach the first bolt if you feel the need for it.

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Spicy solo to the 1st placement
[Hide Photo] Spicy solo to the 1st placement

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C Miller
[Hide Comment] Got back on this after many years and found it to be a fun and incredibly varied outing.

Steep somewhat loose rock at the start (#1 Camalot) gets you to a small stance to clip the 1st bolt. Move slightly down and left to reach the 2nd bolt, lieback up a flake that turns into a right-slanting ramp which is followed to the last bolt where tenuous climbing up bumps gains the top. Three stars out of five.

The anchor is about 15' back from the lip and as noted the downclimb is casual. Feb 22, 2010
Kelly Corbin
Aptos, CA
[Hide Comment] As of 9/12/14 there are two bolts but only one hanger for the anchor. BYOH Sep 13, 2014
Clayton Rardon
Yucca Valley, CA
[Hide Comment] there are two sets of anchors as of 6/24/16, but one set is missing a hanger (the set of anchors on the climbers left). To set up a TR, I recommend bringing static line, webbing or very long slings to get your master point over the lip. Walk off to the climbers right; it's literally a walk off with zero down climbing. Jun 29, 2016
Joshua Tree, Ca.
[Hide Comment] All of the lead bolts and both the anchor bolts on top of this route were replaced today with 1/2” SS bolts and rock colored hangers. Feb 2, 2018
Matt Hagny
[Hide Comment] Very interesting moves getting from the first bolt to the second. I need to ask someone in the FA party just what was intended with that bolt placement. Good route. Bring something to extend and equalize the anchor bolts if setting up TR -- the top anchors are in a bowl-like feature at the very top (horizontal) Feb 15, 2019
Jaime BB
San Diego, CA
[Hide Comment] A .5 and .75 works in the horizontal before the first bolt, I used both pieces. Clipping the bolt was awkward, so I highly recommend using the gear. I also reached back after clipping the 2nd bolt and unclipped the 1st and the gear to reduce drag. Last bolt had me sweating, although easy climbing at that point, it’s really crumbly grit and all footwork. Mar 20, 2023